The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1373754
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
07-Jan-05 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Let me see if I understand this correctly:

Some people think we should continue to pay money into a system that has returned about 1% a year over the last 40 years which is projected to go bankrupt in the future unless changes (reductions) are made.

These people call themselves great thinkers and progressives.

Other people want to have control of their own money and want the OPTION of investing it on their own- perhaps in the stock market which has returned 10% over the last 40 years.

these people are called stupid evil rich conservatives.   By the same people who prefer the 1% return from the government.

I guess I prefer being a RICH conservative.    We get rich on the stupidity of others- people who play the lottery, people who go to race tracks, people who go to casinos, people who play the sports books, and people who prefer to leave their money in social security.

Rich people laugh at the rest of you.   70% of the country has credit card debt because people can't manage their own money.   That is why the government has to keep social security,   If left to their own devices most people who gamble it away and be destitute on retirement.

Unfortunately, I will not have the choice on my account.   I will be stuck with social security.   All of my finantial advisors have told me to not count on it beging around by the time I retire.   Social Security would have gone bankrupt in 1972 but it was saved by Ronald Reagan.   I know most of you won't believe that, but as Yogi said "you could look it up"