The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77164   Message #1373772
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
07-Jan-05 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Senator Barbara) Boxer saves Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Boxer saves Democracy
Carol C.- I would be happy to define "win" and "lost"

The Senate voted about 76 to one against the Boxer rebellion.   The house voted something like 230 to 35 against it.   That means you lost and we won.   Bush is confirmed.    Be proud of the spineless democrats who caved like a deck of cards.

Let me give you another definition.   There are 7 branches of government.

President-          Republican
Vice President-    Republican
Senate-             Republican
House-             Republican
Supreme Court-      Republican(5 side with republican/4 with democrat)
Governors-          Republican majority
State Legislatures- Republican majority

That means we "won" and you "lost".   Now there are some southerners who still think the south won the war.   If you want to continue thinking that please go right ahead.   Just remember, in 1964 the democrats had 67 seats in the Senate.   (a super majority) Today they have 44- the lowest number in about 100 years.   

The democrats rejected Boxer 76 - 1.   Sounds like that Utah Phillips song on the Charge of Mother Jones.    As Utah says- it is always good to look behind you when you charge to make sure others are following.