The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1373907
Posted By: Bill D
07-Jan-05 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
" I don't believe in penalizing people because they are successful. The wealthy are bearing the majority of the tax burden as it is."

what's line about Robin Hood?
"Why do you steal from the rich and give to the poor?"
"Because the rich are the ones who have the money!"

substitute 'tax' for steal, and you have the principle. Even if taxed more heavily, the rich are STILL way ahead of the poor in resources, comfort and security. If those taxes are not levied, the gap grows wider and the social structure is strained until those who simply can't compete legally will compete illegally.

Don't think of it as 'penalize'...think of it as insurance of sorts~!