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Thread #77164   Message #1374051
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
07-Jan-05 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Senator Barbara) Boxer saves Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Boxer saves Democracy
There never was a decent debate. The Repubs closed ranks and dismissed the objection as a publicity stunt. In so doing, they continued in their quest to make their party the only one in the country. This is anti-democratic.

It is significant that the country is now being run by rich white men with rural roots who have always fought against the right of African-Americans to vote. The Black Caucus stood valiantly against the Repubs. They were disenfranchised as voters. We see it here in 2005. It's racism. And it's immoral.

We will never know the outcome of this election. The figures vary wildly but it's all conjecture now that the paper trail has disappeared into black boxes.
There is still evidence available for anyone who cares that indicates that there was rampant and widespread fraud, intimidation and racism in Ohio by Republicans. I think that's unAmerican regardless who wins.

It's ironic that the Bush Administration is saying they want to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan when they don't have it here at home.

Afghanistan had fraudulent elections as well. Karzai probably would have won but since many voted sometimes up to ten times per person, this would indicate that the fraud brought about was for the purpose of giving George his way in time for the election and not about the Afghan people's participation in democracy. They are still under the "dictatorship" of narcotics-producing warlords who subjugate the farmers who are in turn forced into growing poppies for American drug consumption. 65% at least of the world's heroin-based products come from Afghanistan. So much for democratic elections there.

Barbara Boxer could not have stood for Gore in 2001 because he specifically asked her not to. As vice president, he was locked into a holding pattern which I believe he should have broken. If he were to entertain any credibility in office, he could have stood up against the Republican Tsunami.
