The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77194   Message #1374059
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
07-Jan-05 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Subject: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Nerd, had a chance to hear Howard Dean live and in person and I realize that I was basing my views on him from what the media would allow me to see.

I won't make that mistake again.

Dean was articulate, witty, sensible, down to earth, accessible to people, unpretentious and fully appraised of the political scene today. On top of that, in person, he was magnetic. His answers to questions were concise, pertinent, respectful and in short I believe him to be a real man of the people.

i can't believe that I was so wrong about him. But now I really understand how the reactionary media can distort a candidate by editing, reframing the questions, pushing a reactionary Bush-oriented agenda, and how as Democrats we have to stop chewing each other up.

Kerry had his moments live as well. But Dean has fostered a new hope in me for possible solutions to this dismal scene by an immoral president. Dean is an honorable man to be reckoned with.
