The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75309 Message #1374193
Posted By: jacqui.c
07-Jan-05 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Back to Old Blighty - Kendall & jacqui.c
Subject: RE: BS: Back to Old Blighty - Kendall & jacqui.c
Well, we got back to Maine yesterday and into the snow!
Our journey home wasn't particularly good - the flight we booked from Washington to Partland was non-existant and we weren't told about that until we got to Washington. As a result we had a four hour wait for the next flight and that did not please the Cap'n! On unpacking the bags this morning we found that the wheel on one of the brand new holdalls had been smashed off, ending up INSIDE the bag! We're now told by the airline that, while they will repair the bag they won't get the wheel fixed and they won't pay for a new bag. Added to that, they now charge for wine on their transaltlantic flights!!! Don't think we'll be flying with United Airlines again!
On the plus side we met more Mudcatters around and about the UK, all of whom made us feel so welcome. Thanks to you all, friends old and new, you made the trip a really great experience. I'm only sorry that Kendall wasn't well enough for us to get to see more of you - hopefully we can put that right next time.