The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1374327
Posted By: GUEST,Barry Finn
07-Jan-05 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
The rich contribute their fair share & shoulder the burden for supporting the poor? Is that part of what I'm hearing? I guess a new day must be dawning?

Why should a multi national, multi billion dollar company pay any taxes at all? Why shouldn't I pay have to more of the burden than the wealthiest? Hey, if I'm gonna benifit from this system why not foot most of the bill for it then too?

Well I do foot more of the bill & I do shoulder more of the burden & I did work hard all my life & when it comes my time I'll be damned if these compainies, that would've been shit if it weren't for the likes of us working class folk contributing our sweat & blood
so that they could make a windfall off of our backs, not pay a dime back into the system & then in the end fuck all their workers out of their investments & retirements without so much as a thank you. Not a voice raised in behalf of those that lost out on a life time of labor, not so much as a penny will they get back & no help from a government that some how benifits greatly from these finincial downfalls. 5 or 10 years in jail for some greedy ceo doesn't do squat for those that took the hit nor does it help those that do take these hits when these companies don't have to cover the cost of the losses that their own people lost (how much does Enron still owe the state of Calif & how has it paid back towards the investments retirement plans?). You'd think that some sort of protection under the law would protect against this kind of criminal action (oh shit, I think there are laws, what happened?). Maybe if the government had them paying at least part of the burden the government would then be able to insure the rest of us against this sort of theft & greed. But why gamble with your own money when you can gamble with others (others being the working class), even better why gamble at all when you can just swindle the others out of all their money, at no real risk & at great profit to the house (the house ALWAYS wins)? There seems to be something wrong about this picture?

At this point why not just fix up the SS program now so more of the working class can contribute even more of their fair share of the burden & shoulder more of the load than before & give more away to the rich just so some mythical Robin Hood can steal it back only to redistruibe it to the poor from wence it originated in the first place (Robin's been dead awhile & with todays technology Pretty Boy Floyd isn't able to help with the morguage? In God we trust, espically when God speaks through the mouth of Bush. Trust his call in my future & my kids future? I can't even trust the idiot to do or say one thing that would benifit the many as he can surly can be trusted to do right by the few at a huge cost to the many. PLEASE, would you trust this man with your mother & your money? Would you trust this man with putting his hand in your pocket while pulling your chain or not giving you so much as a kiss while he's fucking you? Come on, be real, anyone who thinks they'll get a good deal from this man just look at the track record, I'd rather have a crook put a gun to my head & take my money at least he's not taking my future & playing me for a fool, he's not lying to me & telling me this is gonna feel good & you'll get over it. Sorry, if anyone's asking & no one has yet, (wonder why, DUH) if I have any trust in this man the answer is no, not even with my dog. I'd trust and put more faith in an outlaw than in the man whose running/ruining our country

"It was in Oklahoma City, it was on a Christmas day

Came a whole carload of groceries and a letter that did say

Well, you say that I'm an outlaw, and you say that I'm a thief

Here's a Christmas dinner for the families on relief

Well, as through the world I've rambled, I've seen lots of funny

Some'll rob you with a sixgun, some with a fountain pen

As through this world you'll ramble, as through this world you'll roam

You'll never see an outlaw drive a family from its home"
