The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77213 Message #1374642
Posted By: Micca
08-Jan-05 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joy Happens
Subject: RE: BS: Joy Happens
Joy is encounters with other people, latterly its often been with Mudcatters, some examples, for me like at Llanstock, Towersey, Loughstock and more, but also, that first couple of hours on the Friday evening at the Getaway, meeting, and re-meeting friends a certain Sunday lunch with jimmyt at Liz the squeaks Fortunato and Suzette and Gervase at the "Hoop and Toy". joy is in people and interacting with them and is Truly the medicine for what ever ails you, that and Singing, and Songwriting and listening to singing and,,,, and,, and,,,, oh and CatsPHiddle