The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77213   Message #1374725
Posted By: Auggie
08-Jan-05 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joy Happens
Subject: RE: BS: Joy Happens
Interesting thoughts Jerry.
Interesting to me because I too have always thought there was a qualitative difference between happiness and joy, regardless of what Mr. Webster may have had to say about it.

I think you can find some temporary happiness with drugs or possessions or alcohol or sex or even with the company of good friends, and this ain't necessarily a disagreeable part of life.
But Joy, well to me, that's a whole different breed of cat. It lives out there somewhere in the general direction of happiness, but on a whole different plane. Kind of like the difference between infatuation and love, or sound vs. music. I'm not smart enough to quite put my finger on it exactly, but it's infinitely sweeter than happiness, and for me much more elusive and ephemeral but with an afterglow that you can live in for days thereafter.

To me it's also more spiritual in nature.
On the other hand, maybe it's just a chemical imbalance in my brain.

JimmyT's right tho. It's found in the journey, not the destination.