The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #137490
Posted By: Rick Fielding
17-Nov-99 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Hi Lamarca. Strictly from an anecdotal point of view, everyone I've talked to who knew (or even met) Bert Lloyd, said that he was a pleasant and friendly man. A number have said that MacColl could be distant and often seem pre-occupied, especially if he was talking to someone either uninformed musically or on the other side of the political fence (MacColl was certainly proud of his Communism long after many others gave up on it). At his level of fame I suspect though, that many many people wanted a piece of him and it's understandable if he was choosing his new friends carefully.
Upon first hearing Lloyd I found his tendency to sing constantly sharp more than just irritating. After a few years my ear adjusted (the recordings certainly didn't) and I can still listen to "The Cruel Ship's Captain" in total awe.