The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77213 Message #1375414
Posted By: Polly Squeezebox
09-Jan-05 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joy Happens
Subject: Lyr Add: ANCIENT PATHWAYS (Pauline Iason)
Sorry, I don't know how to put the music online, but here are the complete words of the song. I live near Avebury in Wiltshire so obviously the references are to the ancient Ridgeway Long Distance Footpath, the Avebury Prehistoric Site (largest stone circle in Europe), Wayland's Smithy (an ancient burial mound where legend says if you leave an unshod horse tethered overnight with a silver coin it will be shod in the morning). The whole area abounds with ancient sacred sites and the chalk downland is very, very beautiful. The white horses are carved in the hillside and packed with the natural chalk, some say they originally dated back to prehistory when Epona the horse goddess was worshipped in the region. I never believe that summer has arrived though until I hear the song of the lark ascending into the sky.
When I feel that life is troubled Pressure looming from all sides Give me just the simple pleasures Give me space in which to hide When the bustle of the city Gets too much for me to bear Then I seek the ancient pathways Where my soul can take the air
Ch. Give me the sight of the green rolling hills The sky a clear blue overhead Give me the song of the lark as it soars Give me soft turf for my bed
Up above the urban valleys There's a land that's green and free It's been there since time immortal It's still there for you and me Ancient paths up on the ridges Weave a web across the land Safe and sure our forebears travelled With no fear of other's hand
Close beside the timeless ridgeway Lie the sacred sites of yore Wayland waits within his smithy To shoe a horse both firm and sure A'bury's circle holds the power Of the moon and of the sun Follow the lines into the centre Where all hearts can join as one
Clumps of trees on rounded hilltops Chalk white horses on their side Earthwork castles reaching skyward Barrows long and round beside Troubles soothed I travel homeward On the tracks across the downs Deep within the peace I carry That cannot be found in towns