The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1375519
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
09-Jan-05 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
There is nothing wrong with Social Security. To say that it's in trouble is a blatant lie. All you have to do is check the Congressional Budget Office and they will tell you that it's going to be fine as it is until 2042. Then it may have to be modified slightly. Bush and Rove have put out a propaganda spin on the nature of Social Security so that they can get their hands on the money (part of Bush's capital) and increase the pockets of their cronies on Wall Street.

This is what happens. Rove and company put out a missive that is a boldfaced lie and the lockstep media picks it up as gospel. (The "liberal media" is another lie.) The same can be said for Social Security as can be said for the so-called "tort reform" which assaults victim's rights by protecting not only unscrupulous doctors but corporations which abuse citizens by limiting damages such as the prescription drug companies and environmental polluters. In fact less than one percent of medical malpractice suits reach the courts. It's a red herring. The same can be said for "partial birth abortions" which are not at all prevalent.

Don't believe them when they say Social Security is in trouble. They want to steal it away from the public and rob older people of their rights.
