The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #507   Message #1376
Posted By: Jerry Friedman,
16-Jan-97 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: lord Randall
Subject: RE: lord Randall
Harry Belafonte recorded an Appalachian (I guess) version that ends something like the way "Edward" does. Something like

What will you leave to your mother, my son? What will you leave her, my darling young one? My love to keep you, mother [2x] Oh make my bed soon, For I'm sick to the heart, And fain would lie doon.

And what will you leave to your sweetheart, my son? [etc.] A rope from hell to hang her [etc.]

No accusation of the mother for giving bad counsels. By the way, the album is called _Mark Twain_, and it's got a lot of good stuff and a only little mediocre. I wish my illegal tape of it hadn't broken, but that's what I get.