The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76990   Message #1376117
Posted By: breezy
10-Jan-05 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Spotlight Sun 9th JanThorn Roses St Albans
Subject: RE: Spotlight Sun 9th JanThorn Roses St Albans
A very good evening

Hosted and opened by the ref,
followed by an entertaining couple of songs from Lynne Heraud who is one of the folkscene's gems, but becoming a bit of a heckler in St Albans. But we dont mind do we?

Then the amazing voice of Hannah Harris with Nic on guitar took us in another direction, they'll be doing a Spotters in the Spring, distinctive and relaxing.

then the incredible guitar of Chris Flegg and Steve Last took us to the interval

The 2nd 1/2 was set up for 50 minutes of T and R who despite not being able to read their 'notes' soon relaxed into the spotlight mood and warmed to their theme of tight harmonies featuring clear lyrics from Rowena and Sylv and the smooth rich bass of Jinks, who does a one man voice squad tribute.

Their programme was varied and entertaining and they had to do 2 encores.

Their interpretation of Lynne's own song 'Willie' had the audience laughing heartily, well suited to their talents.

The time flew.

A treat

Hope they have a great evening at W Abbey tonight

Club opens this Friday with Kevin Buxton and Sunday its Pat Crilly

at the Legion in Verulam Road, St Albans