The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77213 Message #1376176
Posted By: ranger1
10-Jan-05 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joy Happens
Subject: RE: BS: Joy Happens
Joy is that feeling of overwhelming wonder that just happens. I find it at the top of a mountain after a difficult hike, in the sharing of good times with friends and family, standing in the dusk at low tide and watching the herons fish and knowing that I have the park all to myself, when I held my newborn nephew Austin for the first time Eight and a half years ago. Austin Michael is a joy to me, no matter what, and he gave me great joy (once again) this past summer when we discovered that he thinks folk music is "pretty cool." Joy is waking up each and every day after having faced my demons and finding that I had the strength to walk away.