The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77286 Message #1376704
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-Jan-05 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song?
Subject: RE: Wild Rover
I didn't know this song until about five years ago, when I learned it from my late friend Jim, an Englishman who was married to the woman who is now my life. Jim and I would sing it together raucously about once every two months, somewhat to the chagrin of some of the members of our woman-dominated song circle. I still sing it in his memory every once in a while, and I still love singing it.
I can understand how some people think it's tired and worn, and a waste of time when once could be singing a thirty-seven verse ballad - but I think it's a fun song, and I wish I could feel free to sing it once in a while amongst the snooty purists. Don't think I'd want to sing it five times a month, but once every couple of months doesn't seem too often to sing (or hear) a song.