The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77194   Message #1376743
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
11-Jan-05 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
Dean is a force to be reckoned with. His scream will be discordant in the ears of Gingrich or whoever else the Repubs pick in 08. Others will see it as a heartening cry for justice.

One thing that is certain. Some followers of the Bushies have a familiar pattern. They resort to abuse, and in some cases pornography, denigration of women and a kind of sadism that contains derisive laughter instead of an intelligent
defense of their position. They enjoy sleaze and hatred as a way of communication and will attack the individual that doesn't agree with them personally. In this way they behave like thugs. Scatolology is used in their vocabulary to invalidate their scapegoats. True Democrats and Liberals need to stand up to this bullying tactic. Some of these pornographers are under the illusion that what they say is funny but the laughter is hollow, empty, devoid of any substance and resembles the adolescent babbling of locker room boys. They are preoccupied with feces, sexual organs, language which they think will shock others but is mostly trite and inane.
This bullying technique can be found in gangsters and fascists in many countries including our own. It is the technique of Guantanamo, Abu Graibh and Al Quaeda.


