The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77164   Message #1376831
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
11-Jan-05 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Senator Barbara) Boxer saves Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Boxer saves Democracy
In the mind of a liberal, democrats never lose an election and republicans never win an election.   Any time a democrat gets less votes it was stolen or cheated or disenfranchised.    Either that or the people were too stupid to elect the right person or as in 1994 they were labeled as "angry white men". "What fools these democrats be"

Several democrats went to counciling in Florida for post election depression while others threatened to go to Canada.    Clearly, they have never been to Nunavut in January.   Or June for that matter.

The biggest problem for democrats is that people want proof that elections were stolen and they never have any.   Democrats claim that Ohio was stolen but offer no evidence.   They only look silly.   Do you really think that Boxer looked good when not a single other democrat supported her in the senate.

Now Carol C.-   If you don't think 76 to 1 is an ass drubbing that I suspect you are a pregressive who believes that getting 1% of the vote in an election is a victory.

I apologize if you believed I was referring to you as a democrat.   When I said "we won" and "you lost" I was referring to patriots and traitors.   Sorry if you thought I had elevated you to a democrat.