The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1377592
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Jan-05 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Hitler was seriously disappointed also, no doubt, when he failed to find massive threats to the survival of the German nation in the ruins of Poland! After all, he only attacked the Poles because they were "raping Aryan women", "committing atrocities on East Prussian Aryans", and "planning to attack Germany". Yes indeed! Well, they had to be stopped, by golly. So the Luftwaffe and the Wehrmacht did the only decent thing a superpower can do when it is menaced by a small, weak country with an outdated military that ain't got a chance...they kicked the shit out of those dangerous Polish fanatics!!! Yup. Everything would have been just jimdandy if Britain and France hadn't declared war over it. Too bad, eh?

Well, by golly, the World has now been "saved" from the terrible danger posed by Iraq, just like Hitler saved us from Poland back in '39. I can't wait till George Bush finds someone else to save us from...maybe Syria or Iran? Maybe Korea? Where is there more oil? Maybe Venezuela?

Hail to the Chief! (Heil der Fuehrer!)