The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77289   Message #1377771
Posted By: beardedbruce
12-Jan-05 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: CBS in the Poop over Bush Bash Prog
Subject: RE: BS: CBS in the Poop over Bush Bash Prog
"Since there is zero evidence of any WMD in Iraq, and there is at least some evidence that what the CBS is claiming about Bush's military record is true, "

A. Where is the evidence that any of the CBS report is true?

B. Where is the eveidence that any of the information presented to the UN by Powell was false? The fact that they DID NOT FIND WMD does not mean that they were not there. If I listen to you, I would have reason to susepect that you possessed accordian(s). If, after giving you 6 months warning, I searched your house and did not find an accordian, would I then say I had no evidence? What about the people who said you had one or more? What about your own claims to play ( difficult without the instrument in question)? What about photographic evidence to the contrary?

But I guess you would consider the fact that you had removed them to be PROOF that they did not exist.

You claim that without positive proof, we should not have eneterd Iraq- BuUT you make claims against Bush WITHOUT positive proof- seems like hypocracy to me.