The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77323   Message #1378104
Posted By: Georgiansilver
13-Jan-05 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prince Harry and fancy dress.
Subject: RE: BS: Prince Harry and fancy dress.
Once again, the press have latched on to a silly mistake and blown it out of all proportion...don't know if it is the same over the pond but the papparazi have gone loopy here. I saw a programme last night on TV which portrayed their cloak and dagger tactics to get a original story that no other newspaper has...or some sort of embarrassing photograph of a celebrity..taken in secret. In my personal opinion, there should be a law that keeps anyones privacy from the camera. But that's the way of the commercial world I suppose and we all have to accept it...or do we?
Best wishes.