The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77314   Message #1378106
Posted By: DougR
13-Jan-05 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oops (No WMDs in Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Oops
So, Bill D., you believe the old adage, "leave the sleeping dog lie," would have solved the terrorist problem? That has been tried since the 1970's but they didn't continue to "lie" did they?

There is no doubt that the leaders of every major country in the world thought Saddam had WPM (how many times have we gone through this one?)including George W. Bush, Tony Blair, et al. Evidently, they did not.

If anyone is to blame for the Iraqi war, it is Saddam. All he had to do was allow unimpared inspections by the U.N. and adhere to the U.N. Resolutiions and there would have been no war. He brought it upon himself, and unfortunately, it is the Iraqi people who have suffered as a result.
