The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77314   Message #1378185
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jan-05 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oops (No WMDs in Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Oops

You forget to take your memory pill again?

You gloss over the fact that Saddam was cooperating with the inspectors when Bush couldn't stand yet another day without having *his* war. He was like a 17 year old kid who was about to loose his virginity when it came wanting *his* war and like *now*...

Yeah, even Hanz Blix was giving favorable reports on almost a daily basis prior to the invasion. Scott Ritter who was a member of the inspection team in the late 90's was telling eveyone that would listen that Saddam didn't have these scarey weapons. Scott Ritter was blackballed by every corporate media source in America. We anti-war folks had better intellegence than what Cheney (who made daily trips over to the CIA and FBI offices to push folks around) made them tell Bush. Cheney had allready made up his mind what he wanted the Intellegence folks to say... Now, the BUsh folks are using the "executive priviledge" to cover up Cheney's role in fabricating the "BIG LIE"... Just as they have been doing over the Cheney/Enron so called "Energy Policy"...

Well, Bush and the neocons got what Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz has wanted going back to 1992 and I hope they still enjoying it because every day I run into more and more of my friends who no longer think it was such a good idea...

To twist on a line from an old Jethro Tull song : It was a new war yesterday, it's an old war now...
