The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77164   Message #1378550
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
13-Jan-05 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: (Senator Barbara) Boxer saves Democracy
Subject: RE: BS: Boxer saves Democracy
The right to have your vote counted is not a trivial idea. It turns out that the black boxes and other voting machines are owned by two brothers. One owns E.S.and S and the other owns Diebold. They are both Republicans and fund raisers for Bush.
These machines are faulty and have many reported glitches. There is no paper trail so that there is no proof of votes having been counted.

Democracy depends on an open voting system that is not distorted or controlled by one political party. This then resembles a Stalinist regime.

It's an easy matter to fix this problem but it requires the cooperation of all Americans regardless of their political affiliation. We can restore Democracy when we restore and reform the voting process in this country.

We need not to ignore this issue but to challenge it in the courts and by public information about it.

How can we expect to have any election throughout the world that has any validity if the bastion of Democracy has been corrupted?
A one party system of government would put us in the same category as an Islamic or other theologically controlled government. "We have seen the enemy", says Pogo, "and it is us."
