The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77273   Message #1378589
Posted By: Donuel
13-Jan-05 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago
Subject: RE: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago

The more powerless we feel the more we sink to arguements instead of loving discussion.

Three cheers for lip flapping:

Iraqi oil was there to take
so George was in a hurry.
With a spear from an olive branch
he attacked them full of fury.
Now the pipeline is his
but the plumbing is shot
its full of explosive holes.
The fortune is lost
Despite the lives it has cost
To achieve his desired goals.
What can we show
for a billion a week
Money for CEO's.
Just think what we could have built
with 1 and 15 zeros.
A flood of blood
for a lake of oil
is a trade that's made in hell.
The modern day El Dorado
is just an oil well.
Troops can't guard all 12,000 miles
for the oil to flow.
You may not think much about it
unless it's your time to go.
Think what we could have built
right here at home,
where Conquistadors
tortured natives
in search of El Dorado.



6 o'clock news.

Terminate, eliminate
Murder slash and kill
Dispatch, assassinate
Drop a poison pill

Liquidate eradicate
Put them down and quell
Settle a score
Slaughter and gore
Send them straight to hell.

Decimate meet their fate
Slay and take a life
They shuffled off their mortal coil
Far from pain and strife.

Hit , slaughter
Shot their sons and daughters
Take em out
Whack like all the others.

Snuff, stuff,
fatally rape
Decapitate the head of state
Lets all get really tough

Deprive of life, take a ride
Until they've had enough
Up with ultimate sacrifice
Opps they lost their life.

Turn the gun on the crowd
Teach'em for us all
Strafe and bomb
The human race
With precision shock and awe.


Todays FUNNIST news story -
Margaret Thatcher's son gets a one year suspended sentence for trying to steal Equatorial Guinea by financing a coup.

What is the sentence for giving away a lb. of pot? lol