The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77329   Message #1378713
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
13-Jan-05 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Minor characters deserving own song
Subject: RE: Minor characters deserving own song
Bateman's porter did get a modest sequel of his own. From The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman (1839: [Thackeray & Dickens] illustrated by George Cruikshank):

"Mr George Cruikshank has taken the liberty of adding three verses to this ballad ... to be said or sung by those parties who may approve of the alteration and addition."

Then up and spoke the proud young porter,
Who never was heard to speak so free;
Saying, "I will marry this lady's darter,
If so be that she will marry me."

"O," then his lordship said, "O then," says he,
"That is just what I would like to see."
And to the proud young porter's offer
The mother and the darter, did both agree.

Then for the two weddings they did prepare,
With all their hearts so full of glee;
And all did dance and all did sing,
Right merrily, right merrily!

Well, sequels rarely live up to the original. Cruikshank's accompanying illustration is quite cute, though.