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Thread #77412   Message #1380730
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
17-Jan-05 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Hackney Scout Song Book (1965)
Published by Hackney Local Association of Boy Scouts

The following contents list is taken from the 1965 edition. The contents are, essentially, those of the original 1921 edition, with an extra ten pages, the contents of which are marked "(+)".
The book contains virtually no music, only words. The book also contains a short order of service for prayer, together with a few well known hymns, which I have not listed here.

A Capital Ship
All Things Shall Perish (+)
All Through The Night (+)
Annie Laurie
Ash Grove (The)
A tall stalwart Lancer lay dying
At six o'clock of a Shining Morn
Auld Lang Syne
A Wolf Cub's Song

Back to Gilwell (+)
Bay of Biscay (The)
Ben Backstay
Billy Boy
Birds of a feather (+)
Blaydon Races
Blow the Man down
Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond
Boys, be prepared

Camping Song
Camptown races
Cock Robin
Cockles and Mussels
Come, cheer up my Lads
Come to the Camp Fire (+)
Contented Camel (The)

Daddy Neptune one day
Derby Tup (The) or (Derby Ram)
Divers Camp Fire Ditties (+)
Down yonder green Valley
Down the Road to Ninevah
Dashing thro' the snow
Drink to me only

Early in the Morning
Elephant Battery (The)

Farewell the Night
Father of all, we come to Thee
Father O'Flynn
Fire Down Below
Forty Years on
Frog and Mouse (The)

God Save the Queen
Ging Gang Goo (+)
Give me a Patrol Leader
Great American Railway
Green grow the Rushes-ho
Green Grass grew all around (The)

Hackney District Yell
Heart of Oak
Here we sit like Birds in the Wilderness
Hen Convention
Hiawatha's Mittens
Hit Hat
His Hide
Hullabaloo Balay

I have a Song to Sing, oh!
I have heard the Mavis singing
I'm out on the Road in the morning
In Dublin's fair City
In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell (+)
In South Carolina de darkies go
I will arise and go now
I would be true

Jingle Bells
John Brown's Farm
Johnnie was a Parlour Scout
Johnny Come Down to Hilo
John Peel

Kemo, Kimo
King Arthur
Kookaburra, The (+)

Land of our Birth we pledge to Thee
Land of the Silver Birch (+)
Leader and his Patrol
Loch Lomond
Low-backed Car (The)

Marching through Georgia
Mary of Argyle
Me Father kept a Boarding House
Mermaid (The)
Michael Finnegan
Mowed Meadow
My Bonnie
My Grandfather's Clock (+)

National Anthem of the Ancient Britons
Number One, Number One

O Come and Go with me to my Father's House (+)
O How Lovely is the Evening
O, who will o'er the Downs
Old Father Thames (+)
Old Folks at Home
Old John Braddleum
Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh
Oh, Susanna
On Ilkla Moor
On the Banks of Allan Water
On the Crest of a Wave
One more Ribber
Orderlies' Song (The)
Our Camp is over, to the Town, to the Town
Our strong bank can ne'er be broken
Over the Hills and far away

Paddie Widdie
Parlour Scout (The)
Parting Song
Passing By
Poacher (The)

Road to Maresfield (The)
Rio Grande
Rule, Britannia

Sally in our Alley
Sandy's Mill
Scout Hymn
Scout's Hymn
Sir Eglamore
Some Folks do
Song of the Week
South Country (The)
Spanish Guitar (The)
Sweet and Low

Tarpaulin Jacket (The)
Tavern in the Town
Tenderfoot Troop (The)
The Animal Fair (+)
The Crocodile (+)
The Rover Song
The Ping-Pong Ball (+)
There is a ladye sweet and kind
These are the Times
Three Crows (The)
Three Jovial Huntsmen
Thrown through the Window
'Twas Friday morn when we set sail
The Dog is a feithful, intelligent Friend
The Island
There was a frog lived in a Well
They Built Rosy Castles

Uncle Ned

Vive L'Amour (+)

Wail of the Wullawulloo (The)
Waltzing Matilda
We have left far behind us the Dwellings of Men
What's the Good of wearing braces
When all the World is young, Lad
When I was bound Apprentice
When you see a Man in woe
WhistlingTunes (various)
What shall we do with a Scout?
Widdicombe fair
Wolf Cubs' Song (+)
Wraggle taggle Gipsies, O (The)

Nigel Parsons