The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77439   Message #1380796
Posted By: Helen
17-Jan-05 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: To PVC or not to PVC: music or water?
Subject: BS: To PVC or not to PVC: music or water?
ABC Online in Oz ran this story today. So which is more important music for the soul, or water for health?

Pipe theft not music to health officials' ears.
17/01/2005. ABC News Online

[This is the print version of story]

Last Update: Monday, January 17, 2005. 7:14pm (AEDT)
Pipe theft not music to health officials' ears

By Pacific correspondent Sean Dorney

Health authorities in Solomon Islands say their efforts to supply clean drinking water to rural communities are being sabotaged by local musicians.

The authorities are concerned about how many PVC pipes meant to carry water are being cut up and used as pan pipes.

Pan pipe bands are very popular in the Solomons, especially to entertain tourists, but more and more local musicians are apparently abandoning their traditional bamboo pipes in favour of PVC.

This has upset the management of the Solomon Islands' Health Department's Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program, which is calling for a halt to the thefts.

The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation quotes program manager Bobby Patterson as saying it is illegal to cut and remove water supply pipes and turn them into musical instruments.

He is warning any community that allows its young people to do it will not get any further help.

Mr Patterson says any panpipe group performing in Honiara playing on PVC pipes will be questioned.

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