The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #1381241
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Offer
18-Jan-05 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Our Chalet Song Book (Girl Scouts)
Well, I lost my cookie, but here's another:

Our Chalet Song Book
(1974, Our Chalet Committee, Adelboden, Switzerland)

Abide With Us, O Lord
Alleluh— Praise ye the Lord
Alleluia (Mozart)
Allelujah, Amen
Au bord de la Rivière

Bella Bimba
Bell Yodel
Bènèdicite de Notre Chalet
Blowing in the Wind
Bon Soir, Ron Soir
By the River

Chalet Grace
Chantons Le Feu
Cherry Trees
Come and sail with me
Come with the evening
Cyfri'r Geifr

Dag er endt
Danket dem Herrn
Day Fades Away
De-ci, De-la, Semons la Joie
Der Fröhlichkeit die Türen auf
Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Dese Bones Gonna Rise Again
Die Dämmerung fällt
Dona Nobis Pacem
Drei Zigeuner

Ecoute la prière
Ego Sum Pauper
Elijah Rock
Es Burebüebli mah-n-i-nit..
Evening Star

For Homes and Friends
Friendship's Way

Gaily we swing along
Gently let the Evening's Peace
God has Created a New Day
Gott, behüte dieses Hus

Hatt i di
Herdsman, The
Herr, bleibe bei uns
Hills, The
Hiney Mah Tov

I go my merry way
I Ifandra
I Know a Place
I know where I'm goin'
In de Stilte Kiemt Het Leven
Iona Gloria
I Tied my Posies
It's a Small World

J'ai lie ma botte
Jubilate Deo

Kein schöner Land
Ksekina Mia Psaropoule
Kum Ba Yah

Land of the Silver Birch
La front penché sur la terre
Las clartés de la nuit
Let us Sing Together
Linstead Market

Merci, Seigneur
Mir Senne hei's lustig
My Lord's A-writing

No Farmer Boy for Me
No Lovelier Countryside
Nu er jord og himmel stille
Nun fangt em Lied mir an

O du stille Zeit
One World
Our Cabana Song
Our Chalet Song

Peace of the River
Plus de joie
Pourquoi donc attendre demain
Pour ta joie

Rally Song
Rise Up, O Flame
Route d'amitië
Rover, The

Sangam Song
Schlaf mein Kind
Shalom Chaverim
Sing For Joy
Sing Hosanna
Sing Together
Ski Song
Skye Boat Song
Somerset Walking Song
Somewhere There's a Forest
Sponge Fishing
Su Cantemo
Summer Evening
Swinging Along
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Tallis' Canon
Time for man go home
Tina Singu
Tous Les Chemins
Tuneful Guitar, The

Uti var hage

Vem Kan segla
Vi skal ikkje soya bort sumarnatta
Viva Ia Musica
Vous qui cherchez le signe
Wayfarer's Grace
Weaver, The
Why wait till another day
Wo die Sterne glühen
World Hunger Grace