The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #1381242
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Offer
18-Jan-05 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Our Chalet Song Book II (Girl Scouts)
And another:

Our Chalet Song Book II
(1992, Our Chalet Committee, Adelboden, Switzerland)

Abendstille Uberall
All night, all day
All things shall perish
All you from every nation
A Ram sam sam
As we trek along
Auld lang syne

Beauty around us
Bed is too small
Before I close my eyes
Before you make a promise

Carnival time
Climb to the top of the mountain
Colours of day

Down the way

Enda mu lubuto
Ensemble marchons
Everyone knows it

Für heute eine gute nacht

Gang rüef de Bruune
Gather round the fire tonight
Glad that I live
God is great
Golden Day at Our Chalet
Go well and safely
Guiding world

Hans Spielmann
Heio, spann den wagen an
Hevenu Shalom Alechem
Hey ho, nobody at home
Himmel og jord

Ich mocht mit einem zirkus ziehn
I would be true

J'ai perdu le do de ma clarinette
Jamaica farewell
Johnny Appleseed

Kullan ylistys

La buena Guia
Laudato si, o mio Signor
Let there be peace on earth
Light the stars
L'inverno l'é passato
Live, live, live

Mae gennyf dipyn
Maori stick game
Marchons dans le vent
Meitäli wenn du witt go tanzä
Michael, row the boat ashore
Minun kultani kaunis on
Morning, evening
Morning is here
My Creed

No man is an island

One little pebble
One more step along the world
Our vision for tomorrow

Pax Lodge song
Peace in the hills
Per spelmann
Planting rice
Quattro cavai
Que te vaya bien

River of time
Robin Ddiog
Rock my soul
Rosen fra Fyn

Schlaf mein kind
Simbotwe the frog
Somebody greater

Taar i nöd e bitzeli
Tall trees that reach the sky
Thinking Day song
This little Guiding light of mine
Tlogo magleta
Toi qui disposes de toutes choses
Tout doit sur terre
Tree song

Urner Tanzlied

Vent frais
Vo Luzern uf Weggis zue
Vom Aufgang der sonne

We are sailing a boat
We're on the upward trail
We wish you love
Wir haben euch frieden gebracht
Wir sind durch die welt gefahren
World Song, The

Ya-es la hora
