The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9875   Message #1381316
Posted By: GUEST,MMario
18-Jan-05 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Duna ^^^
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Duna'--Ring any bells?
C:Marjorie Pickthall/Josephine McGill
N:submitted by Julia from sheet music
z4z2B2|e4e3 e|d2 G2 G2 G2|A2 B2 c2 A2|
(G4F2) z2|E3 E e3 c|B2 G2 G4|F3 F d2 c2|
B4z2B2|e3 e e3 e|d2 G2 G2 z2|A2 B2 c2 e2|
(f4e2) zf|g3 f e2 c2|B2 G2 F2 G2|(E8|e8|
(3d2e2d2 B3 d|c4)z2B2|e2 c2 B2 G2|
F3 E F A3|E8|z8|z4z2B2|e4e3 e|d4G2 G2|
A2 B2 c2 A2|(G4F2) z2|E3 E e3 c|B2 G2 G3 G|
F3 F d3 c|B4z2B B|e3 e e3 e|d4G2 G2|A2 B2 c2 e2|
f2 z2e2 f2|g3 f e2 c2|B2 F zF2 G2|
(E8|e8| (3d2e2d2 B3 d|c4)z2B2|e2 c2 B2 G2|F3 E F2 A2|(E4g4-)|g4z2f2|e2 c2 B2 G2|F E zF3 G|(E8|B8-|B8|c8|e8-|e4)z4
w:When I was a lit-tle lad, with fol-ly on my lips,_ Fain was I for jour-ney-ing all the seas in ships, but now a-cross the south-ern swell, Ev'-ry dawn I hear_The lit-tle steaams of du-na run-ning clear_______ the lit-tle streams of Du-na run-ning clear. When I was a young man, be-fore my beard was grey,_ All to ships and sai-lor-men I gave my heart a-way. But I'm wea-ry of the sea-wind, I'm wea-ry of the foam And the lit-tle stars of Du-na, call me home_______ the lit-tle stars of Du-na, call me home__ the lit-tle stars of Du-na, call me home_____

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