The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77337   Message #1381737
Posted By: open mike
18-Jan-05 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californian mud slide
Subject: RE: BS: Californian mud slide
i thoguht i had posted this already but i do not see it again:


Dear music friends,

Although you may or may not be aware of it, the recent catastrophic mudslide in La Conchita has seriously injured and permanently displaced two of our favorite humans on earth (and long-time music supporters,) Nadine Bunn and Cheryl Chako of Folk Mote Music in Santa Barbara.

For nearly 30 years Cherie & Nadine have been there for us -- the musical community -- and we hope that now we can be there for them.

At the time of this mail, Nadine is recovering from surgery in hospital in Santa Barbara and facing another surgery Thursday. Cherie is recovering from broken bones/abrasions, lacerations, etc, in hospital in Ventura.

Their house in La Conchita is history. In a scene that could only be reminiscent of the worst of Hollywood's nightmare movies, their home collapsed into a wall of mud, and the both of them lay crumpled and injured inside the rubble until located and dug out by the local Fire and Rescue.

Of course it might have been worse -- there have been at least ten fatalities there, and our hearts naturally go out to the families of those whose lives were not saved. Thankfully Nadine and Cherie are both still here amongst us.

To those of you in the local music community: please be aware that preparations are already afloat for a benefit concert. The music store continues to operate -- Ed Rockett, Laurie Rasmussen and myself are seeing to that, with help from many other good people.

In the meantime, Nadine and Cherie's home, possessions and vehicles are gone, and the medical bills cannot even be speculated upon. If anyone would care to help financially in any way, large or small, please know that an account has been established at Washington Mutual that is strictly for Cherie and Nadine's benefit and access. Donations may be dropped off at any Washington Mutual branch; or we at Folk Mote (or Jan upstairs at Santa Barbara Sheet Music) can pass donations along to their account. Tom Lee's Song Tree Concert Series is another possible drop-off point. The account number to deposit to is 1803082584. Checks could be made payable to either Cherie Chako or Nadine Bunn.

To those of you receiving this who are too far away to participate: please be aware that cards, notes of good wishes, etc, would also be most welcome... their address is: Folk Mote Music, 1034 Santa Barbara St., Santa Barbara CA 93101 USA.

More details to follow. In the meantime, no matter what your religious persuasions (or lack thereof,) we hope that you might please find a way to include Nadine & Cherie in your prayers / good thoughts / well wishes.
Folk Mote is at

this was posted by Tom Ball he and Kenny Sultan are a wonderful duo.
Tom plays harmonica and Kenny plays guitar.