The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77314   Message #1382653
Posted By: akenaton
19-Jan-05 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oops (No WMDs in Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Oops (No WMDs in Iraq)
I really dont know why we are still debating the rights and wrongs of the war,there is simply nothing left to debate.
Those who still attempt to justify our actions in Iraq, both in government and here in Mudcat, are either stupid or evil, (take your pick).
The latest photographs showing British troops physically abusing and sexually degrading Iraqi civilians is unspeakable,and gives the lie to those that politicians call "our brave boys". Most are in reality
psycopaths after a few months of military training.
Perhaps the only good thing to come from this dreadfull episode, is that our much vaunted Western democracy and its championing of human rights,is shown to be the biggest lie ever told...Ake