The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77320   Message #1382979
Posted By: Haruo
20-Jan-05 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: Your Shaker Collection
Subject: RE: Your Shaker Collection
Q wrote «Don't forget the Indian Shaker Church. "John Slocum and the Indian Shaker Church," R. H. Ruby et al., 1996, Univ. Oklahoma Press» with a link which did not clarify that the Indian Shaker Church is not related except generically (they're both relgious sects) and in name (they're both called "Shakers") to the Mother Ann folks of the Eastern states.

The Indian Shaker Church is very much a going concern (not celibate) in the Northwest; I have attended academic conferences where (Indian) Shaker dance took the place of Mr. Bush's inaugural invocation. I also knew a guy who was a lay preacher in a Methodist church (at Nooksack; he was raised Roman Catholic on the Crow Res) and his wife was an Indian Shaker clergywoman.

Not sure if the Indian Shakers have any sect-specific musical hits.


PS re: 'Tis the Gift — don't forget its use as an advertising tune for the Oldsmobile Millennia (sp?) a couple years ago. I don't recall a jingle, just the tune.