The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77539   Message #1383645
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jan-05 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prayerful Inauguration
Subject: RE: BS: A Prayerful Inauguration
I didn't hear the speech, WYSusan, but I can purdy much tell ya what he said: absolutely nuthin' beyond alot of liberty, freedom and God... But really nuthin'...I'm sure it was just a big ol' PR speech, with buzz words that had be tested on a test audience... Liberty and freedcom swwm to be the Bushites favorites. They haven't a clue what these words mean but sure know that if they use them enough with their other lies then folks seem to believe the lies.

I suspect we'll also be hearing a lot more "personal responsibility" and "personal ownership" tied to libert, freedom and God over the next year as the neocons work as hard as they can to get folks to nod in approval of getting a good ol' fashion screwing from Biss Hog over privitatizing Social Security which has been one of Boss Hog's most hated programs foing back over 6 decades...

Yeah, they're going to pull out all the buzz words to garnish their BIG LIE about Social Security, and invading Iran and Syria...

Repulsive but worse than that, a sad commentary on the intellegence of the average American...
