The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #1384329
Posted By: cetmst
21-Jan-05 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
SING ME YOUR SONG O!, compiled by Janet Tobitt, published by author, New York, 1941
Folk Songs:
Ah, How the Moon is Shining - Poland
Begone, Dull Care
Broken Troth, The - Czech
Brooklet, The - RussiaCockles and Mussels
Eris Canal, The
Honza, I Love You - Czech
Jolly Old Roger
Keel Row, The
Life That's Free - Alsatia
My Lady Greensleeves
Navajo Happy Song
Nice Girls Don't Chase the Boys - France
Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?
Oh, Won't You Sit Down? - Negro Soiritual
On His Bronco the Gay Caballero - Mexico
Primus Lan' - US
Railroad Canal, The - US
Rising of the Lark, The - Wales
Sailor's Return, The - France
Santy Anna
Shamrock and the Heather- Ireland
Song of the Open Air, A - Sicily
Spanish Ladies
Swiftly Flowing Labe - Czech
There Was Once a Little Ship - France
Three Pirates - Rngland
When Your Potato's Done - Creole

Hymns and Carols:
Bohemian Carol
Canticle - Russia
Holly and the Ivy, The
Magnificat - Hebrew
Praise to God, Immortal Praise
Wassail Song
Who Is the Man? US

Art Songs:
Cossack's Lullaby - Bachmetieff
Evening Star, The - Schumann
I Have a Song to Sing O! - Sullivan
O God, Who Art the Only Light - Bach
O Hush Thee, My Babie - Sullivan
O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast - Mendelssohn
Peasant Chorus - Gounod
Peace of the River - Wood
Spacious Firmament On High - Haydn

Rounds and Canons:
Country Clodhoppers - trad
Goodnight to You All - trad
Greeting Song - Caldara
Ho, Every Sleeper Wakes! - trad
Joy in the Gates
Now Comes the Hour - Beethoven
Pray God Bless - Christmas Round
Qupdlibet - Germany
Turn Again, Whittington
Two Ducks on a Pond
Where Is John? - Smetana
Why Shouldn't My Goose?
Windmill, The