The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77574   Message #1384653
Posted By: thespionage
21-Jan-05 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Folk Music in U.S.
Subject: RE: Folk Music in U.S.
Where is Pocatello?

I'd like to speak on behalf of the folkies who were not alive in the 1960s, although I'm sure many of us wouldn't have minded being there. I happen to love nearly anything that is called folk music here in the US, from Woody Guthrie to PP&M's recent album. I am 19-years-old and I play guitar, banjo, and dabble in mandolin. I love to sing the old stuff. Although my close friends don't necessarily share my love for the pre-60s folk music, they absolutely *love* Alice's Restaurant, Bob Dylan, and Simon and Garfunkel. We *do* exist, and we're just freshmen in college!

As for the New York region, I know that Roy Bookbinder (who sings '20s-'30s blues) is still hitting the small music and comedy clubs. There is a folk club in Massapequa and I can't wait to see Work o' the Weavers, the Weavers tribute group. Little Toby Walker is a little more like country, but he learned blues and ragtime guitar from the greats. To me, this is folk.

Folk Music *definitely* exist at places like the Clearwater Revival every father's day and on the ship Clearwater itself.

Not to mention hope for the future.

Practitioner of Thespionage and Folk Music