The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77585   Message #1385012
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
22-Jan-05 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: liberty, freedom, and violence
Subject: RE: BS: liberty, freedom, and violence
"Bush addressed the world yesterday and laid out a blueprint for freedom without war. You, and many others have derided American administrations because they backed terrible dictators who, in the opinion of the American leadership at the time, might be despots, but did nothing to get rid of them because it was "in our best interest". The speech yesterday made it clear that that is not the Bush policy. So why don't you, and your fellow travelers support that POV?"

because GWBs actions give the lie to his words. the bush "policy" is reflected by what he does, not what he says. when we give similar ultimatums to china, saudi arabia, uzbekistan, pakistan, egypt, et al, i'll begin to believe he means any of his malarkey. by the way, he laid out no "blueprint". he did not indicate any way we were going to accomplish his great plans or how we'd pay for them. i support the view of "hey, freedom is great" which is all his speech amounted to, but the idea that our country has the right and/or duty to force american-style freedom on the world is as arrogant as it gets. especially when people like yourself (you proud hummer owner you!) aren't willing to make the smallest sacrifice in your comfort and convenience while countrymen of yours and innocent citizens of iraq are paying the ultimate price for dubya's load of crap. also, you're showing your age with the "fellow travelers" line. are you an old john bircher?

"...My point is, those of you who cry, wring their hands and scream to high heaven that the only
motivation for the U. S. administration's doing anything at all is because of OIL! Do you REALLY think conservatives are the only ones in America that use gasoline in their cars?"

of course, all of us with cars use gas. there is a segment of the population that believes, however, if we were more "conservative" in our energy consumption we could lessen our dependancy on mid-east oil, thereby having less reason to kill people to get enough of it. when there are demonstrably available ways of doing this (and there are many) it would seem to me that people that actually cared about their sons and daughters dying would be on the front lines demanding action on "conservation" and alternative energies rather than lining up for their next hummer.