The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76996   Message #1385052
Posted By: akenaton
22-Jan-05 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: Celtic connections
Subject: RE: Celtic connections
Andy..I think I may have failed to make myself clear regarding lack of folk music.
My remarks were in reply to Auldtimer and concerned my own area of North West Argyll.
I was born and bred here, many years ago and contrary to your suggestion I am in full possesion of the "facts".
This area used to have a strong ceilidh tradition based on Gaelic song and fiddle music.
Ceilidhs were held in various houses most weekends and all who attended were encouraged to participate,and most importantly their efforts were appreciated regardless of "ability".

There was also the hub of the community ,the village hall,where larger gatherings took place regularly.

As Gaelic fell from use, the singing and music died away to be replaced, as I'v said already, by the accordion bands and Scottish Dance Music. This dance culture survived through the 60s and 70s and resisted the progress made by the Folk Revival in other areas.

Although there are a few festivals, Bute , Tarbert ect, there is very little folk music played in the pubs or houses near here.

As always I am obliged to travel 80 miles to Glasgow to hear Folk,
hense the Celtic Connections is a veritable feast to we starving teuchters...Ake