The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71274 Message #1385064
Posted By: cetmst
22-Jan-05 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Cooperative Recreation Service-World Around Songs
Subject: Index: Swiss Alpine Songs
SWISS ALPINE SONGS pub. by Cooperative Recreation Service, Delaware OH, 1949, with illustrations. Lyrics in Swiss/German, Swiss/Italian or Swiss/French:
Appenzeller, The Calling the Cows Sennelehoah Come Let Us be Joyful Freut euch des Lebens Evening Song Lueget, vo Bergen und Tal Far From Home Vo mine Berge Farmer Boy Es Burebilebli Four Horses Quattro Cavai Heidelidomm Del oben uff em Bergli Herdsman Mir Senne hei's lustig In the King's Garden La Jardiniere du Roi Life's Journey Unser Leben Old Chalet Le vieux chalet Swiss Mountain Farewell Ihr Berge, lebt wohl Two Sweethearts Dur's Oberland uf Upland Meadows Morge frueh, eh d'Sunne lacht Vreneli - Meiteli Weggis Song Winter Is Over L'invernoe passato