The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14918   Message #138535
Posted By: Philippa
19-Nov-99 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sean O Duibhir an Gleanna / Sean O'Dwyer
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Sean O Duibhir an Gleanna (Sean O'Dw
Johntm, If you look at Stewie's first posting, you'll see he says it's from a recording "Source: Danny Spooner and Mick Farrell 'In Limbo and Other Songs and Places' Anthology AR003".

Bruce O: is the translation in JIFSS, 1925 the one by George Sigerson, the one given in Donal O'Sullivan's book? Spooner and Farrell's version appears to be derived from that one.