The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76996   Message #1385930
Posted By: andymac
23-Jan-05 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Celtic connections
Subject: RE: Celtic connections
Apologies akenaton,
I get very touchy when I think someone is impugning Glasgow and its environs. That's my job!..
I do know what you mean however in that whenever I'm three I've often felt quite down about the lack of music and song in the NW Argyll area. In many ways, that area is ignored for funding for traditional arts it seems and little is done to encourage a nurturing atmosphere.
has it been driven back into houses and become more private (and therefore invisible) again? I ask because I and a few folkie friends have started meeting at each others houses more and more instead of getting out and about with our music and finding an audience. Another form of ghetto-isation I suppose...