The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77612   Message #1387509
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jan-05 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pres. Bush's next four years
Subject: RE: BS: Pres. Bush's next four years
No, Larry, I don't feel sad for the folks who invested in Enron as much as I do about a systwm that prevented those who did from cashing out while the big shots cashed out as Enron went down. Yeah, that is a sad state of affairs.

And I would also be saddened if some hard working guy, who knows his job and does it well, opts into Bush's scheme and uses the money to invest in stuff he knows little or nuthin' about and ends up either having to work until the day he dies or dies in poverty.

And looks as we finally got confirmation that the reason fir the US invading Iraq was oil! It's about time. Thanks, Larry, but I hope you checked with Karl Tove before letting the cat out of the bag... Last I hear he was working on some *new 'n improved* excuses for attacking Iraq for 2005 since all of the prior ones turned out to be lies. Thanks again...

And thanks fir that rosey prediction. Is it from the same folks who predicted all those jobs that the tax cuts to the wealthy were gonna create? Or are they the ones who have a plan for reducing the deficit by 1/2 over the next four years?

And as fir yer stats. Stats are crap. Ant good stat professor will tell his students that the 1st day of class.

Using yer GNP stats one might ask why in a country that is responsible for 43% of the world's GNP...

1. has its students ranking 21st in science scores among developed nations?

2. Or why it has the highest murder rate?

3. Or 1 in 4 of its kids living poverty?

4. Or 1/4th of its African American males who will be incarcerated at some time in thei life?.

5. Or, for that matter, the highest incarceration rate in the world?

Just fir starters...

Your stats are squewed because the upper 1 % is so wealthy that it brings up the per capita income for the entire population.

Maybe you need to get out of your ivory tower and volunteer at a soup kitchen for a day 'er two and then come back and tell us how everything is peachy...
