The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77617   Message #1388058
Posted By: JennyO
25-Jan-05 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: People Wearing Galasses
Subject: RE: BS: People Wearing Galasses
I'm shortsighted and wear glasses - have done since I was 12. I tend to agree with Bob Bolton that the more you wear them the more you seem to need them. I have multifocals now, which I really hate. They are useless for seeing close up, unless I peer down my nose, and my peripheral vision for things like backing the car is no good with them either. I have persevered with them for a long time, hoping I would get used to them - at least they don't make me seasick any more, but I still don't like them.

Actually what I would really like, if I was brave enough to take the very slight risk, and had enough money, would be to have laser surgery. My son had it, and he was delighted with the results.

There is one good thing though, about being shortsighted. I can see things really close up without my glasses in the finest detail. I'm the one they'd ask to thread a needle. Also comes in handy when looking at the street directory or the phone book.
