The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77539   Message #1388436
Posted By: Once Famous
25-Jan-05 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prayerful Inauguration
Subject: RE: BS: A Prayerful Inauguration
I still say success, amos. they do know how to make hot dogs in chicago.

I don't think there are as many kind and gentle folks as you think here, amos. True, there are some good ones, and their are some real socioligical psychological losers, also.

I think the opposite of you and have told you this over and over. You can't accept it. Others have jumped in and also PM'd me enjoying that I don't buy into your vision of America or vision of much of anything you say. and know you have exposed yourself for the abusive phony you have always been.

You've snapped.

You need some time off. Look how abusive you have become.   Me, I'm not going anywhere. If you don't want to mix with me, stay out of the posts that I comment on. You are about as light-hearted in life as an elephant turd.