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Thread #77703   Message #1388600
Posted By: JohnInKansas
25-Jan-05 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
Subject: RE: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
The "home remedy" that's been used in my family for about the past hundred years is the household strength hydrogen peroxide. This NOT the stuff you bleach your hair with. It's a common drug store item here, and typically is about 1/2% to 3% strength, depending on where you get it, and is sold as a "topical antiseptic."

If you point the affected ear up, and dribble it full, it's a rather strange sensation, because the bubbles generated as it reacts with the "wax" do sort of tickle, and your whole ear canal gets slightly warm. It sometimes takes a couple of minutes for it to get "working good." When it stops working, which takes a few minutes, put a tissue over the ear and turn over so it drains into the tissue.

One family doctor, many years ago, advised a drop or two of olive oil after, to avoid "dryness." He was the one who had advised one of my relatives to quit bothering him with coming in to flush his "haidbone" and go home and do it himself.

I haven't discussed this treatment with any "new-fangled" doctors, but it was a pretty standard treatment since 80 to 100 years ago around here. I still use it occasionally. I've never heard of it causing any problems, or of any conditions that prevent it being used, but you'll want to consider your own special requirements if they're unusual.
