The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74135   Message #1388817
Posted By: Naemanson
26-Jan-05 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: Springtime In Guam
Subject: RE: Springtime In Guam
I have an appointment at the American Embassy around the end of February so I will be here at least that long, possibly longer depending on how things work out with Wakana.

The effort to buy a bicycle went nowhere. It seems that the Japanese have little experience with giants and do not make bicycles or clothes for us. If I want a bicycle to fit me I need to have one custom built.

I took a long walk yesterday. I had myself dropped off at the Nishinasuno town line and walked home, about 4 miles. I stopped at various shops along the way including Video Bomber and Trench Town. Video Bomber rent's videos. There are no employees in the place, just vending machines. Most of the videos are porn.

Trench Town was similar to one of our Army Navy Salvage stores combined with a Deadhead/Punk store. Pretty funky but the proprietor was listening to some pretty cool blues when I was in there.