The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77651   Message #1388926
Posted By: Steve in Sidmouth
26-Jan-05 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth on the move?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth on the move?
""Steve Wozniak would continue to rhetorically berate the council and others via a specially created satellite link.""

Split infinitive Adrian old chap - bad form. ( boldly go...)

Anyhow, the shore based website is as up to date as ever. Try the latest pages from folk70.htm onwards. As for the new 'official' website it's all very pretty but with lots of practical questions still to be resolved. At least the Town Council are giving some money now - even if aspiring councillors couldn't be bothered even to mention the festival. Read it on SeeRed..... Start here latest news from sidmouth mainland

The main Q&A page is also updated. latest, latest, read all about it