The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77703   Message #1389273
Posted By: open mike
26-Jan-05 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
Subject: RE: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
a word of warning from my vcousin who is an ear nose and throat doctor:
he has seen ears damaged by wax dripping down and hurting the ear drum.
BUT i have heard of positive results, too.
the ear candles are long --one foot or so--conical hollow tubes which
are inserted in the ear, often with a paper plate with hole cut out
under them to catch ash and ear stuff. i have seen a plate with big
globs of stuff that came out of an ear..yuck! here are some sites..
another warning from a doctor...who has treated ear candle injuries:
one ear candle site (skeptical) refers you to this site: