The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77662   Message #1389372
Posted By: LilyFestre
26-Jan-05 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm NOT an alcoholic!
Subject: RE: BS: I'm NOT an alcoholic!
There's part of me that thinks it's all about choice even though I know it's an addiction. Having watched a step parent and later a paramour drink themselves into oblivion...well, it was their one made any effort to put that bottle in their hands. When given a choice to become a permanent memeber of the family (that he desparately wanted) or to take the bottle, he chose the bottle over us. Even after he saw his brother killed due to a drunk driving incident, he continued to drink. He eventually died of liver problems. What a waste...he was a wonderful human being and my mother and I loved him dearly. The idea of it just makes me angry.
